EPD exam on the first try! We will ensure your preparation

Gain access to our preparatory course featuring intensive learning and practical exercises. Over 12 weeks, we cover the entire VWU program to ensure that you confidently pass the EPD exam.

Mock exam

A few times per semester, we conduct a free test for our students and all interested individuals.

Would you like to find out if you are ready for the EPD exam? Submit a request to take the test.

What makes people choose us

Highly qualified teachers

with 20 years of teaching experience

Small groups

up to 13 participants per course

Offline learning

2 times a week - 2 hours a day

Effective preparation program

specially designed learning materials that ensure successful exam completion

Study schedule for the German for university exam (EPD) preparation

Group 1

For students with German proficiency level A2/B1


April 2, 2024

Duration: 12 weeks

Offline hours: 46

650 €

Group 2

For students with German proficiency level B1+/B2


April 5, 2024

Duration: 12 weeks

Offline hours: 40

590 €
Course Program:

  • Analysis and practical use of grammar topics necessary for successful exam passing (complex sentences, passive voice, conditional mood, adjective declension, etc.)

  • Reading and analysis of texts, completing reading tasks

  • Expanding vocabulary on topics relevant to successful exam passing (work and economics, tourism and travel, cultural diversity, education, globalisation, and many others)

  • Tasks and games for better memorisation of new vocabulary

  • Oral tasks of the exam type; analysis of useful speech structures for successful thoughts formulation

You can get advice, support, and guidance throughout your EPD exam preparation

Our team knows exactly how to simplify your admission to a German-taught degree program


    Why Look Akademie?


    A team of highly qualified instructors with 20 years of teaching experience under the guidance of Dr. Jörg Hofreiter.


    Our own premises with administrative staff and certified classrooms for conducting language exams.

    Learning Platform

    Our proprietary Learning Management System (LMS) for effective education.

    Support at every stage

    Допомагаємо не тільки зі здачею екзаменів, а й консультуємо по вступу до Австрії

    Superheroes, who will help you fulfil the dream of admission


    The EPD exam consists of both written and oral parts. Our course includes complete preparation for the EPD exam. Thanks to the specially designed study materials, plenty of exercises and the experience of our teachers, you can confidently pass German for university exam on the first attemt.

    We work in mini-groups. The largest number of participants in a group is up to 13 people.

    The course lasts 2.5 months. During this time, we go through the entire VWU program to prepare for the EPD exam.

    Superheroes, who will help you to pass EPD exam and fulfil the dream of admission

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